Property and Facility Management Signs

Toolbox Branding, a reliable Partner for Property and Facility Managers
Property and facility managers have a tough job. Everyone who visits, works or even passes by the locations that they manage expect things to be always clear, always precise and always there. Where’s the office I am going to? Can I park here? Where are deliveries handed-in? Are we up to date with our health and safety board?
Office buildings, warehouses, pretty much any construction where more than a couple of people work need signage. And this is only one more thing to worry about for property and facility managers, on top of bills, HVAC, plumbing, leaks, broken stuff and staff that did not show up for work.
Here is where Toolbox Branding comes in to help.

Why Toolbox Branding is Best
The Toronto Star picked our company as the best sign company in the GTA. Not only do we have professionals in project management and design but we also manufacture our own signage. The most talented and experienced sign makers work at Toolbox Branding, and we complement their skills with top of the line technology. We are delighted when clients come to pay us a visit, as we love showing off our office and production equipment. We know that few Toronto and Mississauga sign companies can even compare.