For property owners and managers, property management signs are a key tool.

Effective signage provides:

  • Identification of the property
  • Information about the property
  • Direction to the property
  • Increased visitor impressions 
  • Safety and Security 
  • Promotes the property

Read on to learn about the importance of signage, various types of signage for the industry, the advantages of employing signage, and factors to take into account when choosing professional signs.

What is the Importance of Signage?

Signage plays a critical role in our daily lives. From finding our way in unfamiliar places to identifying businesses and properties, signage is a necessary tool for effective communication. 

In the context of property management, signs are particularly important in conveying essential information to tenants, visitors, and the general public. 

Property management signs are designed to help individuals navigate a property, provide essential information, and enhance the overall look and feel of a property.

According to recent studies, 75% of consumers have entered a store or business they have never visited before based on its signage, while 68% of consumers believe that a business’s signage reflects the quality of its products or services. 

These statistics underscore the importance of quality custom signs in driving foot traffic and promoting a positive image for a property or business. 

Custom property signs are also important for enhancing brand recognition and establishing a distinct identity in the marketplace.

Each sort of signage has a specific function, such as giving directions, encouraging safety, or advertising services. 

It is important to take into account the message you want to send when choosing property management signs

Whether it’s monument signs, safety signs, or wayfinding signs, picking the appropriate kind of signage can have a big impact on how effective your marketing plan will be as a whole.

What is the Importance of Signage in the Community?

Signage is not only important in promoting individual businesses and properties but also plays an important role in creating organized communities. Signage in a community can be used to promote a sense of belonging and can foster community engagement. It can help create a sense of place and identity for a neighbourhood or community.

Custom real estate signs can be used to advertise new developments and draw attention to properties that are up for sale or rent, while personalized property signs can be used to identify houses and businesses. 

Property owners and community leaders can draw in new residents, businesses, and tourists, as well as foster a sense of pride and ownership among current inhabitants by investing in high-quality and aesthetically pleasing community signage.

What are the Three Functions of Signage?

Signage performs three primary functions:


Identity signage helps people identify and recognize a particular property or business. Custom property signs and real estate signs all fall under the category of identity signage. 

In fact, studies have shown that nearly 60% of consumers are more likely to enter a business if they have seen its signage, highlighting the importance of identity signage in attracting new customers and generating foot traffic. 

Investing in high-quality, visually appealing identity signage can help businesses and properties become more visible in the market and establish a strong brand identity.


Advertising signage is designed to promote products, services, and special deals or events. 

Custom real estate signs and other types of advertising signage are designed to attract potential buyers or renters and generate interest in a particular property or development. 

In fact, according to a study by FedEx, 76% of consumers have entered a store they had never visited before based on its signage alone. 

Effective advertising signage can have a significant impact on sales and lead generation. 

According to the Small Business Association, adding or improving signage is one of the least expensive but most effective forms of advertising.

Giving Directions

Directional signage is used to help guide people to a particular location or provide information about parking, entrances, and exits. 

Various types of directional signage can help reduce confusion and enhance safety in busy areas. Studies have shown that clear and visible directional signage can reduce accidents and improve overall traffic flow.

Types of Property Management Signage

  • Wayfinding Signs

At large establishments like hospitals or universities, wayfinding signage is essential for directing visitors to their intended location.

  • Safety Signs

Safety signs, usually used to indicate fire exits or hazards, are necessary to ensure the safety of employees and visitors to areas or buildings.

  • Advertising

Custom real estate signs and property signs, for example, can assist in advertising a property or business to draw in new clients.

  • Construction Hoarding

Construction hoarding signs can provide information about ongoing construction or renovation projects.

  • Monument Signs

Monument markers are frequently used to identify a building or business and increase its visibility.

  • Reception Signs

Reception signs can help create a welcoming atmosphere and reinforce brand identity. 

  • Post and Panel Signs

Post and panel signs can be used to display a variety of information, including directions or important announcements. 

  • Traffic Safety Signs

Traffic safety signs are used to control and manage the traffic flow and ensure the safety of both pedestrians and drivers on the road.

  • Vehicle Graphics

Vehicle graphics can be used to turn company cars and vans into moving advertisements. 

Benefits of Using Property Management Signage:

Using property management signage can provide a number of benefits to property owners and businesses.

  • It can help increase visibility and attract new customers or tenants.
  • Signage can also improve the customer experience by providing clear directions and information, resulting in increased satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Safety signage can help reduce accidents and liabilities, saving property owners time and money. 
  • Signage can help promote a brand and increase recognition, ultimately leading to increased revenue and growth. 

By utilizing property management signage effectively, property owners and businesses can reap these benefits and enhance their operations.

What To Consider when Choosing Professional Signage:

The Right Signage Partner

Finding the right signage partner is crucial. Look for a company like Toolbox Branding that has experience and expertise in designing, producing, and installing signage specific to your industry and needs.


Once your signage is installed, it’s important to keep it in good condition to make sure that it continues to serve its purpose. 

Work with a signage partner like Toolbox Branding that offers maintenance services, such as cleaning and repairs, to keep your signage looking its best.

Type of Investment 

You should consider what kind of investment you are looking to make. While high-quality signage has a significant impact on your business, it is important to choose an option that suits your needs and budget.

Why Choose Toolbox Branding for Effective and Custom Signage for Property Management Advertising?

Toolbox Branding is the ideal partner for property management signage needs, offering effective and customized solutions. 

With our expertise and attention to detail, clients can expect to receive high-quality signage that meets their specific requirements and enhances their property’s visibility and brand identity.

Reach out to Toolbox Branding to get your custom signage for property management today!